Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de hesitate

to hesitatevacilar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I hesitateyo vacilo
you hesitatetú vacilas
he hesitatesél vacila
she hesitatesella vacila
we hesitatenosotros vacilamos
you hesitatevosotros vaciláis
they hesitateellos vacilan
they hesitateellas vacilan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I hesitatedyo vacilé
you hesitatedtú vacilaste
he hesitatedél vaciló
she hesitatedella vaciló
we hesitatednosotros vacilamos
you hesitatedvosotros vacilasteis
they hesitatedellos vacilaron
they hesitatedellas vacilaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have hesitatedyo he vacilado
you have hesitatedtú has vacilado
he has hesitatedél ha vacilado
she has hesitatedella ha vacilado
we have hesitatednosotros hemos vacilado
you have hesitatedvosotros habéis vacilado
they have hesitatedellos han vacilado
they have hesitatedellas han vacilado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had hesitatedyo había vacilado
you had hesitatedtú habías vacilado
he had hesitatedél había vacilado
she had hesitatedella había vacilado
we had hesitatednosotros habíamos vacilado
you had hesitatedvosotros habíais vacilado
they had hesitatedellos habían vacilado
they had hesitatedellas habían vacilado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will hesitateyo vacilaré
you will hesitatetú vacilarás
he will hesitateél vacilará
she will hesitateella vacilará
we will hesitatenosotros vacilaremos
you will hesitatevosotros vacilaréis
they will hesitateellos vacilarán
they will hesitateellas vacilarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have hesitatedyo habré vacilado
you will have hesitatedtú habrás vacilado
he will have hesitatedél habrá vacilado
she will have hesitatedella habrá vacilado
we will have hesitatednosotros habremos vacilado
you will have hesitatedvosotros habréis vacilado
they will have hesitatedellos habrán vacilado
they will have hesitatedellas habrán vacilado

I would hesitateyo vacilaría
you would hesitatetú vacilarías
he would hesitateél vacilaría
she would hesitateella vacilaría
we would hesitatenosotros vacilaríamos
you would hesitatevosotros vacilaríais
they would hesitateellos vacilarían
they would hesitateellas vacilarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have hesitatedyo habría vacilado
you would have hesitatedtú habrías vacilado
he would have hesitatedél habría vacilado
she would have hesitatedella habría vacilado
we would have hesitatednosotros habríamos vacilado
you would have hesitatedvosotros habríais vacilado
they would have hesitatedellos habrían vacilado
they would have hesitatedellas habrían vacilado

Participio presenteAnotado
hesitating vacilando

Participio pasadoAnotado
hesitated vacilado

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